
Lucky Hour of the Knights of Balthus


Lucky Hour

Almost all players are familiar with this event. We have changed the rewards for our players to make this event more attractive.
Immediately after the server restart, Sibi, the supplier of the Order of Balthus, will start a drawing in Elmoreden, which will determine the most successful and worthy recruits for the Order of Balthus.
Use the Badge of the Order of Balthus to take part in the draw.
Additionally, by killing monsters, you will receive Sibi Coins, which you can exchange for various items to speed up the leveling of your character.
You can meet Sibi from 10.04.2023 to 08.05.2023.

Description of the drawing process

  • ​The main prize draw takes place within an hour and consists of 5 attempts. The completion of each draw attempt is marked on a special scale in the event window:
  • Each attempt to cast happens with a certain chance (not 100%). This means that no one may win the main prize.
  • The draw time is set randomly. It can take place both in the first minutes and in the last seconds of the hour.
  • A gray indicator means that this hour has ended
  • After the announcement of the winner, the draw ends and the event stops until the next hour (draw).
  • The character must be in the game under the action of the event effect at the moment of drawing the main prize.
  • Each day of the event is divided into 24 draws = 24 hours. Every hour a new main prize is drawn.
  • The prize is mailed to the winner.
  • Participants who did not get the main prize can receive a prize for participating in the Sibi Coin in the event window. To receive coins, you need to click on the "Get" button.
  • Coins can only be obtained if the main prize has been played on the server. If the main prize is not received by anyone, no one will get the coins.
  • Coins can be collected even after the draw is completed. If several main prizes were drawn, the coins accumulate and you can get them all at once.
  • Coins can be used at any time until the end of the event.
  • Coins can be exchanged for various rewards with Sibi.

Main prizes

  • ​The top prize of the hour varies depending on the time period. So, if you want to get one or another prize, save your signs for the right period of time to take part in the drawing of the desired prize.

Regular time 00:00 - 09:59 (UTC+3)

Doll Time 10:00 - 15:59 (UTC+3)

Time of evolution 16:00 - 19:59 (UTC+3)

Time for Unique Gear 20:00 - 23:59 (UTC+3)

Exchange Coins Sibi

  • During the event, you will receive Sibi Coins that can be exchanged for various rewards.

Cost of exchanging Sibi Coins