
Bonus start


3 weeks have passed since the opening of the Expanse server. A project without a past, but with a great future.
Many doubted whether it is worth starting at all on a new unknown server?
Definitely worth it!
Starting online was about 4500 people, later we reached the mark of more than 5300 players.
There is a limit on the number of windows on our server. One window can be loaded from 1 computer.
Despite this, many players play from multiple computers.
Often these are also RMT windows. We receive reports from you in ticket system discord.
After that, such players are queued for verification and in case of violation of the rules, their accounts are blocked.
The list of bans can be found in discord section.
After bans and three weeks of play, online is stable at over 4,900 players.
If you want to start playing on our server, but had doubts, then now is the time to do it.
For this it is necessary download the client (preferably clean) and update it with an updater.
We remind you that new accounts should definitely be registered by referral links, hosted by our streamers and clan leaders.
This will allow you to get additional bonuses. A list of which you can find in this article.

And now about the Bonus Start.
New accounts participate in the bonus start, and the bonuses themselves are issued only for the first character created on the account.
Players participating in the bonus start will receive a premium account for one week.
In addition, there will be a bonus on the experience gained, starting from level 1 and up to 85 inclusive. Up to level 76, the experience bonus will be x2.5, from 76 to 80 - x2, from 80 to 85 - x1.5.
Below you can find a list of bonuses that will depend on your level.

Character Creation Bonus

For reaching level 40.

For reaching level 50.

For reaching level 60.

For reaching level 70.

For reaching level 76.

For reaching level 80.

For reaching level 85.